Electrical Metal Stampings & Springs

Here at European Springs and Pressings, we are proud to make and supply a large number of different electronic stampings to a range of companies in the electronics industry. Most commonly we manufacture bespoke pressings and wire forms to be used for a wide variety of components in products such as fluorescent tube fittings, earth rails in plugs amongst many other products vital to the electronics industry.

From our manufacturing factories across the UK, we produce a vast range of springs and wire forms for electronics companies across the world. The whole team here at European Springs and Pressings take great pride in providing extremely versatile products, as we are capable of designing, producing and delivering our products to customers across the globe.

Contact Us Today to Learn More About Our Electrical Metal Stampings

With over 70 years’ experience as spring manufacturers, at European Springs and Pressings, we pride ourselves on offering the very best electrical components for a vast range of industries.

If your company operates within the electrical power industry and you’re looking for high-quality products to incorporate into your products, be sure to get in touch with the team here at European Springs and Pressings today. If you would like a more detailed look at the products we produce, take a look at our spring catalogue, where you will find an extensive range of springs and wire forms we make on a regular basis.


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